Been watching a lot of TED Talks. Here are some of my favs. so far:

Brené Brown – The Power of Vulnerability I’ve soo struggled with this in the past and still do, however, knowing the root of the struggle will definitely help me tackle it in the future.  Ken Robinson – How Schools Kill Creativity I found this fascinating on how to talks to our inherit “given gifts” and … Read moreBeen watching a lot of TED Talks. Here are some of my favs. so far:

Categories All, professional development, travel, app. development and more.

Well I took the dive. Paid $99 and have sent off my saliva to have it analyzed. Basically, in short, I am going to find out where my true ancestry is derived from. Brown hair, blue eyes, tall…my features. Where does it come from? I know it’s of European decent, but what else? Possible traces … Read, professional development, travel, app. development and more.


I am burnt out to the max, according to Forbes blog, in fact I can add some additional items as well. Here’s the article: I’ll summarize all 10 so you don’t have to read elsewhere: 1. Exhaustion 2. Lack of Motivation 3. Frustration, Cynicism and Other Negative Emotions 4. Cognitive Problems 5. Slipping Job Performance … Read moreWhew…

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On a long enough timeline. The survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

Such a thought provoking idea. Makes you want to stop worrying soo much. Relax a little bit more. I know the older me, will eventually thank the younger me. As I mature, there are things I often find myself letting go of. Somethings have been easier then others…I’ve also started to embrace ideals that I … Read moreOn a long enough timeline. The survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

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It’s rolling…

Finally got my blog going. November has some very interesting things in store for me. On 11/11/13 I finally start my at home position as a Professional Services Field Consultant. I have no idea what my schedule will look like, but I will soon. I do know that I will be traveling and I will … Read moreIt’s rolling…

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I kicked this site off officially on 11/01/13. Good things to come. I am in a transitional stage in my life and I plan to entertain you all with the knowledge I gain and any insights I feel may be valuable.

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