23andme.com, professional development, travel, app. development and more.


Well I took the dive. Paid $99 and have sent off my saliva to have it analyzed. Basically, in short, I am going to find out where my true ancestry is derived from. Brown hair, blue eyes, tall…my features. Where does it come from? I know it’s of European decent, but what else? Possible traces of Neanderthal? If the FDA one day pulls its head out of its ass, maybe I’ll find what I’m more prone to be ailed by in my old age and prepare for it. I’ll post updates with what I find. I find the chromosome analyzation absolutely fascinating. Check out the video here:


More here: https://www.23andme.com/

In my professional life, I’ve gone through some other big changes. I brought in my first statement of work, to which was one of, if not the biggest, revenue generating contracts for the quarter for the company I work for. Pretty dang excited by that. Also, I will soon travel to Providence, Rhode Island for my next big contract. Wow. Just 10 years ago, I was just getting into S.U.U. Also, for work possible in May, I will be traveling on contract to the United Kingdom. 

Working from home has some challenges, but now that I have my office set up, I’ve become much, much more productive.

With regards to my side job, I am greatly considering re-hauling my other site now as well, www.advisership.com. I love the idea and the more I explore the opportunity of turning it into a consulting firm. I am narrowing my focus as well. 

I am torn by where I want to go with my Android App. development. There are comparable IT apps out with my core idea, but I still want to create Gracestone App.  in dedication to my grandmother. I absolutely love the idea as well. I don’t care if others have had similar ideas, it’s not what I have in mind. 🙂

My leg piece is almost finished. One more appointment with my artist and it should be done. I’ve been considering turn my half sleeve on my arm into a full sleeve as well, with a Kraken tearing into a ship. I love the idea. I’ve been playing around with it for months now. We will see where I go with it.

Finished paying off my car, three months early. Excited to be done with that.

Deactivated Facebook. Only close friends and family have really noticed. I mainly used it as a music blog and posting weird interesting news as well as keeping tabs on relatives.

There’s a lot more to post,..but I’ll hold for now. 

1 thought on “23andme.com, professional development, travel, app. development and more.

  1. Way to go Alex! Yes, I read your blog, and you should feel special, because that’s the first one I have ever read. Except for one on extreme couponing.. I really need to get on that ish. $2000 worth of groceries for $10? Don’t mind if I do. Anywho, keep at it!

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