Rant on Flying U.S. Airways


Warning: This is a rant (probably tl;dr for most). Feel free to ignore. Anyways, I am posting in flight to SLC, at 30k+ feet in the air. Gogo internet? AVOID flying US Airways. I’ve had an absolutely horrible experience thus far, all flights, this wasn’t isolated to just one flight (Providence, Charlotte, Atlanta, etc). I’ve been flying quite a bit lately too.

Delta > South West > U.S. Airways (craptastic). They’ve been rude (oh your gate was changed to the other side of the airport, not my problem my company didn’t notify you), not on time, don’t care if you miss your flight because they book connecting flights soo close together (they’re magically late, but their connecting flights are surprisingly on time), not accommodating. On wards. The planes feel like they’re coming apart. I got an exit window and there was water coming from the window itself (raining outside). Like wtf? Red flag, right? My last connecting flight, they came over the intercom and asked all passengers if anyone had money to break a $20. Like really? Why in the hell are you selling items to customers and don’t have enough change for a $20? This isn’t a Domino’s delivery driver going to get robbed, people are paying hundreds to take this flight (first class, thousands). I literally lol’ed.

Exiting the plane, the flight attendants put on these snarky attitudes, in these overly high pitched voices “fly again with us soon”, as if they know exactly how you’re going to have to literally run to not miss your connecting flight. Yea, I am grumpy, haven’t eaten anything in 7 hours, due to my 50 minute layover, disappearing due to “congestion” at the airport.