Ta eph’ hêmin & WordPress Migration

After the incessant price gouging that website builders like Wix, Weebly, etc use, I decided to finally move my blog over to WordPress. Besides, WordPress is just awesome. Soo much more configuration and I don’t have to worry about B.S. “sorry, you need to pay extra for that”. Silly stuff like adding videos to my site.

Getting Google Tag Manager running again. Re-working my contact form as well. I’ve got a lot of Events/Variables/Triggers to set up.

Ta eph’ hêminwhat is it? Epictetus Stoicism. With recent life changes, this particular phrase touched base with me at a very personal level. It means “Is it up to me?” 

In other news. I am going to try again to apply to my favorite company. I’m not going to give up.